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How to calculate the quantity of abutment & wing walls for bridges & culverts

Construction Software

In this exclusive construction video tutorial, the renowned engineer, S.L. Khan will introduce you to a simple cross section in a plan of the abutment and wing walls concerning a bridge or culvert and calculate the quantities of materials for the specified abutment and wing walls.

For this purpose, the calculation should be made on the following items :-

1) Excavation
2) PCC
3) Brickwork under and above the ground level

Initially, it is required to work out the excavation for abutment with the following formula :-

Excavation = Length x Breadth x Depth
After putting all the values, we get the following result.
Excavation = 26 x 4 x 5 = 520 cft
So, excavation required for abutment = 520 cft

Now, it is required to measure the excavation for wing walls with the following formula :-

Excavation = Length x Breadth x Depth x Numbers
After putting all the values, we get the following result.

Excavation = 6 x 4 x 5 x 2 = 240 cft
So, excavation required for abutment = 240 cft
Therefore, total excavation = 520 + 240 = 760 cft

Now, it is necessary to calculate the PCC under the ground level for both abutment and wing walls.

PCC for abutment will calculated as follow :-

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PCC = Length of PCC Layer x Breadth x Depth (length of PCC layer = length of abutment)
PCC = 26 x 4 x 2 = 208 cft

Then, the calculation should be made for wing walls as follow :-
PCC = Length x Breadth x Depth x No’s
PCC = 6 x 4 x 2 x 2 = 96 cft
Therefore, total PCC under the ground level = 208 + 96 = 304 cft

To learn the calculation process for the brickwork over and under the ground level, go through the following video tutorial.

Video Source: SL Khan

How to calculate the quantity of abutment & wing walls for bridges & culverts