Sketchup Plugin

Park generator for sketchup – The newest sketchup extension

SketchUp Tutorial

Mike Basil develops park generator for sketchup. This sketchup extension supports only sketchup 2016. It procedurally develops a park based on a Rule Fule (a text file containing rules) as well as an Input Region (a chosen polygon in SketchUp).

Methods of application:

1. Download example rulefile(s) and save to the local folder (e.g. Documents):
· grid park 1
· grid park 2
· grid park 3

2. Open Park Generator plugin UI in SketchUp. As soon as the plugin is set up, "Park Generator" entry will be accessible beneath "Extensions" menu, select it to open the plugin window.
3. Open the Rule File. The plugin window is available below"Rule File", just click on "Browse..." and choose the file that was earlier downloaded in step 1 and complete the process by clicking on the "Open" button.
4. Select an Input Region. Input Region belongs to the area on which the park should be created. In order to deliver it, just choose a face (a polygon) in the primary SketchUp window. As for instance a simple rectangular region is formed by clicking "r" (or clicking on the Rectangle button) and then dragging the mouse pointer alongside the ground. It is suggested to apply a face that is not too big (required a long time to progression!!) or too small (not appear as good).
5. In order to run it, just click on "Generate" button in the plugin window.

One can also adjust parameters and edit the Rule File to produce various park designs.

Documentation: Rule reference is available at Park Generator Documentation site.

Park generator for sketchup
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Park generator for sketchup
Image Courtesy: